DEAR GOD, THAT GAME! Okay, for those following me, you now know that I’m a huge Resident Evil fan (just see all the videos I made on it a few months ago), but, I had been divided on Resident Evil 7 (which I didn’t hate, it’s a good game, but let’s say that in terms of the protagonists, it was shitty at all levels), I was not particularly enthusiastic about RE8 at the beginning, especially as the game was again with the protagonists of RE7. But, I felt the enthusiasm mounted in the last months (and not because of Lady Dimitrescu, unlike many ah ah), and in the end, I got a very strong slap in the face! I just LOVED that game. All in all. The flaws that I blamed on RE7 (Ethan who had as many emotions as a robot, a loathsome Mia, a Chris who looked like anything but Chris, a type of horror far too creepy and gory) were almost all fixed in RE8 (almost, because Mia is still annoying, unfortunately), Ethan finally feels something (amen), Chris finally looks like Chris, the horror type in the game reminds me a lot m