10 Exquisite Facts about Sushi

What’s for dinner? Or lunch, for that matter! A menu isn’t complete without a bold and flavorful array of some of the most delicious seafood in the world. From Spam-based sushi to the philosophy of sushi blades, satisfy your cravings with these interesting sushi facts. 1. Until recently, women were forbidden to work as sushi chefs. It was believed that their perfume would alter the taste of sushi and that their higher body temperature, especially during menstruation, would spoil the chilled fish. 2. In AD 8th-century Japan, sushi was so highly prized that people were allowed to use it to pay taxes. 3. During the Japanese internment of WW II, Japanese Americans were fed processed meats, such as SPAM. The prisoners adapted it into a SPAM-based sushi called SPAM-Nori. 4. The term “sushi” literally means “it’s sour.” It originally referred to the fermented rice that was used to preserve fish. 5. About % of all su
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