Keane Lost Live Concerts Revealed

If you love the Keane band you will love the DVD collection from Ricks Music Archives and not available at . These are the first incarnation of Keane concerts with the first known recordings from 1999 included! This song is an unknown song from Feb 10, 2000. Many of the songs in the collection are new, are their hits before they were hits (first time ever played on stage) and will be great additions to any collection. This sample was encoded then re-edited to add titles and upload to Youtube. Youtube has encoded it again to FLV format. The originals are digital video with 16bit stereo and the DVD collection shows off the work in high quality without the quality loss from over compression. The work is sole property and copyright of all rights reserved and is posted as a gift/demo of the DVD set. Get over to to order the special fan editions before they run out! Pre-orders taken N
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