Wilfred Bastiani (Reflector 5/1) - Reflector’s Human Design System: A Compilation (18-02-2016)
Wilfred Bastiani (Reflector 5/1) -
Reflector’s Human Design System: A Compilation
This compilation displays the constructures within the Human Design System, beyond the regular education and combined with daily life’s events and wisdom.
It is about the astrolgogy, I Ching and modern visions within Psychology & Psychosophy.
Wilfred Leonardo Bastiani
Psychosofer, Monadologist, Idiolectologist
Prof. PhD Intelligences, Integrity & Consciousness
9 years ago 00:06:56 26
Wilfred Bastiani (Reflector 5/1) - Reflector’s Human Design System: A Compilation (18-02-2016)
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Wilfred Bastiani (Reflector 5/1) - The Instant Explanation of The Human Design System (14-02-2015)
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Wilfred Bastiani (Reflector 5/1) - The Instant Explanation of The Human Design System: Addition (14-02-2015)