Saratov is the Capital of Saratov Oblast located in the Volga region, a considerable road junction and a river port.
The official date of foundation is the 5th (15th) of July, 1590. It was the day when Founding Fathers of the city came to the Volga river bank a prince Grigory Osipovich Zasekin and Fyodor Mikhaylovitch Turov. Thay laid foundation of the first fortree on the right bank of the Volga river, opposite Tatar fortress Uvek.
The city was moved from one place to another during its existence not once. Saratov was built in 1617 on the right bank of the Volga, where it is still situated.
According to one of the versions, the citys name comes from Tatar Mongolian words: sary (yellow) and tau (a mountain). So that was the name of Saratovs Sokolovaya mountain, yellow in colour. Many nationalities representatives live in Saratov the Russians, the Mordovians, the Tatars, the Chuvash, the Kazakhs, the Germans. It will be remembered that Catherine the Great signed a manifest in 1764, inviti
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