Bill Warner PhD: Kafir with a Capital ’K’

Sign up for Bill Warner’s newsletter at Buy Bill’s books at: Follow Bill Warner: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Soundcloud: I view Islam as a political system, and the Sharia extends to all other religions, which is a political thing. They must all submit and run their lives according to the Sharia. The Kafir is a political class. Unfortunately, historically, their victims stand and suffer alone. That is, the Buddhists suffer and who knows about it? The suffering of the Africans under Jihad involved in slavery, who knows about that? The Hindus know about their own suffering, but they don’t really know about the suffering of the Christians who were in what was originally called Asia Minor, or what is called Turkey today. So, although the people suffer, they suffer alone. And I want to use the word Kafir to show that they all are the same political class. Now I’m coming to one of my main points. Any time I make a video about religion that includes Christians and Jews, I get hate mail about that. People hate the Jews, they hate the Christians, they hate the Jesuits, they hate the Catholics, they hate the Protestants. Here’s the thing, go ahead and hate ’em, but know this, you, the hater, you’re going to suffer the same political result as the Jew, the Christian and everyone else. Get the picture. You may not like other religions, but in the end, whether you’re an atheist or not, you’re going to suffer the same political consequences. This is the reason I want to use the word Kafir - to unite us politically. We’re all the same in a political class. Now then, how do you know that if you use Kafir as the right word? And by the way, I use Kafir with a capital K, because I use it to mean a special meaning - all those who suffer under Islam. Here’s how you know you’re using the right word. You know who doesn’t want you to use that word? Muslims. You see, it’s their little dirty word that’s a secret. Now, we have a word in the English language that we can’t use and we call it the N-word. Well, Kafir is the K-word in Islam. So, Muslims hate it, which is the proof that we need to use it.
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