MARI WOOD STOVE FOOD. Village life all around RUSSIA. ASMR

MARI WOOD STOVE FOOD. Village life all around RUSSIA. ASMR RECIPES: Mari-style pea soup: Meat 300 gr, 4-5 potatoes, 1 medium onion 1 small carrot whole peas soaked from the night, water, salt, laurel leaves We put everything in a pot and put it in the oven or oven for 3-4 hours. Serve with sour cream PUNCH MUNO: Cut 3-5 potatoes into a bowl, add a little vegetable oil, Beat 5-7 eggs with milk (you can use a mixer) salt, spices to taste. Bake in the oven. Serve with green onions. Hello! We are the Ulengov family - Tatiana and Maxim. We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live russian remote villages. Village life, not embellished real life as it is. We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts. On this channel, we want to implement our ideas. We will show you the usual village life, everyday life, cuisine of the peoples of Russ
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