Building Eco-Friendly Air-Conditioning | Transaera

1.2 billion people face heat risk due to a lack of access to cooling. The problem is, residential AC use alone is set to account for an increase of more than 0.5 ⁰C in global surface temperature. Sorin Grama, Co-Founder & CEO of Transaera, talks about their sustainable solution. Facts are important: 🟢 0:08 - Seattle Heat Waves: 🟢 0:14 - World gets hotter: 🟢 3:36 - Avoid half a degree of warming: 🟢 4% of CO2 emissions are due to AC: #:~:text=The researchers calculated air conditioning,million tons from removing humidity Credits: 🖋️: Melissa Kepen 🎥: Benjamin Pflum ✂️: Eric Seo 🖥️: Anuj Jamadagni 📷: Chris McIntoch 👋 Fed up with climate doom? We are too, so we’re building Pique Action, a new media company discovering stories on climate solutions. We’re the opposite of doomscrolling. 🧪 What’s next, yet being developed right now to solve climate change? That’s at the core of our first series, NextNow, profiling the innovative founders and the groundbreaking solutions to the climate crisis. In each episode, we identify a different climate challenge and how these innovative teams are working to solve them. From Bangalore to the Bay Area, we highlight the scientific breakthroughs and creative approaches that are being applied to solve climate change. → Watch more from this series: – Want more climate solutions content? 🎨 Memes, stats, and inspiring stories: 📧 FREE newsletter sharing good climate stories: 📲 Climate comedy: @pique_action 🐦 Get less doom in your timeline:
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