The Box Assassin IS BACK! Kickstarter from DreamWorks Animator (103% FUNDED)

Kickstarter Link: Two years ago, myself & Olan Rogers pitched a Box Assassin Animated Series. Netflix and Fox emerged as two VERY interested parties! But timing is everything. Right after we pitched, the studio attached was going through a merger (Warner Bros), Netflix’s stocks nosedived, I mean, the whole animation industry just kind of hit a bump. Ultimately, negotiations fell through. It knocked me down pretty hard, but I knew I wasn’t done with this project. With your help, I believe we can still bring The Box Assassin to life. That’s why starting today I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign. Even if you can’t donate, just a like or a share would mean so much. Thank you! #TheBoxAssassin📦 Chapters: 00:00 Intro/Who Am I? 00:36 What Is The Box Assassin? 01:17 Making a Short 01:49 Hollywood Experience 03:02 What’s Next!? 03:29 TRAILER! 04:37 Kickstarter Details 05:26 Shoutout to Blender Also, S/O to the all the fans who reacted to the video. Here are those channels from the intro in order of appearance. @JangleX @ @MasterEth @MessYourself @MyraKiriyuu
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