Exam skills: 6 tips about using study groups

We know that studying for an exam takes lots of effort – but being part of a study group means you can share your learning and not feel isolated. Watch this video to find out six top tips to help you get the most out of study groups. Then test your understanding in our quiz here: [Images: Getty Images] Transcript We know that studying for an exam takes lots of effort – but being part of a study group means you can share your learning and not feel isolated. Here are our top tips for getting the most out of a study group… Obviously the first thing you need to do is find a study group to join. These might already take place in college, but if you’re studying alone you may have to search for one via noticeboards or online. The most important thing is to get one that’s at the right level for you. You could test out some groups before you commit to one fully. Find one where you feel comfortable to discuss your ideas, and wh
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