Crash Bandicoot 2: Creepy Cortex Glitch

A creepy glitch in Crash 2 I came across the other day, where the hologram of Cortex freezes and doesn’t go away. I’ve only gotten it to work a few times and was lucky enough to get a recording of it. First off, the only way I’ve seen it work is by starting a completely new game, it will only happen (At least from what I’ve seen) during when Cortex yells at you for exiting a level without a crystal, so you need to start a fresh game. Next, enter Turtle Woods, I’m not sure if it works with any other level, so it’s the best bet. Then get close enough to an enemy where you’d think it should kill you, pause the game literary instantly as you’re about to collide and return to the warproom. You’ll be booted from the level and Cortex appears as a hologram, facing the wrong direction. Now press the Triangle button while he’s talking to shut him up, if you wait until he goes away on his own the hologram won’t stay. The camera will return to where it’s supposed to be, y
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