To be deep in history is to cease to be Roman Catholic. This is a lamentable truth for so many faithful who don’t know the truth behind Catholic beliefs that are radically out of step with the Scriptures and early Christian practice including:
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Papal Infallibility
6:10 The Filioque
13:26 The Immaculate Conception
16:25 Indulgences
24:07 Papal Supremacy
32:17 Doctrinal Development
This film promises *to end* the apologetics scene as we know it, as it condenses top tier primary and secondary research on a wide array of “defeater“ topics into less than 40 minutes. The aver
...age viewer will be more informed on this topic than the long line of “professional apologists“ who for $$$ answer questions on the topics covered here, but in less depth.
Watch the prequel, Who Started the Great Schism:
Produced and Narrated by The Other Paul: @TheOtherPaul
For more discussion, check out the Charitable Apostolic Christians Discord Group:
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