Spider-Man: The Animated Series (season 4, episode 11)

“The prowler“ Release date: 08-02-97 Plot: When the crime lord, Iceberg, finds out that one of his gang members, Hobie, doesn’t feel that he’s getting a fair cut, he has his boys attempt to kill him. After narrowly escaping that fate, Hobie knows he needs to get out of town. He steals a passer-by’s purse in order to fund his new trip. It turns out to be Mary Jane’s purse when she and Peter are in the process of apartment hunting, but was stopped by Spider-Man and Hobie is sent to jail for violating his parole. While in jail, he saves Richard Fisk from an attempt on his life. As payment, the Kingpin arranges for a hot shot lawyer to enable Hobie’s release, and gives him a special suit as the Prowler. He uses the costume to get back at his old boss, Iceberg.
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