Let the battles begin! First up is Frosty with a sick loopstation routine in their first round again Robin! The SBX Kickback Battle 2021: Loopstation Edition has just begun, and you already know this is going to get crazy!
Battles are 4 rounds long and will progress each day with 1 battle per week. Be sure to join the premiere on YouTube to be the first to see Robin’s response TOMORROW afternoon at 2PM CET!
Who will win? Find out on September 4th during the first KBB21 Judging Livestream!
Watch more videos from KBB21 here:
Learn about the NEW BOSS RC-505mkII:
...IAL TIME KEEPER - FORTIS! Go check them out here:
DPA Microphones - We love the DPA 2028 Mic, which all participants used in this competition!
V-Moda - Thank you for the SWEET M-100 Headphones for all 8 participants.
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