….along the riverbanks between summer and fall… | …dọc theo những bờ sông giữa mùa hè và mùa thu…

….along the riverbanks between summer and fall … …dọc theo những bờ sông giữa mùa hè và mùa thu… Music by Trịnh Công Sơn (1939-2001) Tuổi Đá Buồn (Rhythms of the Rain), arrangement for guitar solo by Võ Tá Hân, played by Huy Liêm Nguyễn Other translations: Stone’s age of despair Age of the joyless stone Age of Sorrow Age of Sad Stone Guitar: Kohno Sakurai Special 2022 Strings: Optima No 6 | 24 Karat Gold, Natural Carbon Medium, NO6 GCMT iMovie App for producing the Video in iPhone 14 Pro Max Recording Studio Score for free:
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