Winter Wonderland By Solveig Selj

Directed and produced by Solveig Selj. Filmed with a Nikon D3s. Staring Rikke Karlsveen, Thomas Stenerud, Ane Evjen Gjøvåg, Frida Maureen, Julia Lyon, Njål Frilseth, Charlotte Qvale, Lise Aanes, Tora Asledottir and Charlotte Louise Haraldsen from Pholk model agency, Oslo. Clothes from norwegian designers Fam Irvoll, Tina H, Vera William , TSH and VATLE. Hair and make up by Anne Grethe Larsen and Julia Lyon. The music is composed by Marius Christiansen. Lyrics and preformence by Silje Kåfjord. To see more of my still photos check out my photoblog:
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