IELTS Speaking Test band 6 with face mask followed by feedback

In this video recorded by Ross IELTS Academy, we share the Mock test of Speaking of a candidate with a band score of 6. We have inserted the examiner’s feedback at the end of the video. You’ll see how the face mask has affected her band score in fluency. To avoid such a problem, please practice speaking with face masks, and try to speak loudly, and record your voice. By doing so, you’ll learn what are the words that you don’t pronounce well while speaking with a face mask. Remember that your accent doesn’t matter in the IELTS Speaking test, what matters is your pronunciation. We hope this has been useful and we wish you the best of luck in your exam. To book a mock test with our experts trained by British Council examiners visit our website we will help you to know your band score and how to improve your skill.
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