Played By: T-0815
Fight 01: 00:41 - Mileena
Fight 02: 01:46 - Scorpion
Fight 03: 02:49 - Sub-Zero
Fight 04: 03:52 - Mirror Match
Fight 05: 05:05 - Reptile
Fight 06: 06:14 - Liu Kang
Fight 07: 07:32 - Kitana
Fight 08: 08:45 - Jade *
Boss 01: 10:02 - Shang Tsung
Boss 02: 11:14 - Kintaro
Boss 03: 14:08 - Shao Kahn
* Fight against Jade.
Fight the match on the box before the question mark without using Punch, including for fatalities.
Fight against Smoke: 17:17
Press Down Punch Kick when Dan Forden appears on the right side of the screen.
Fatalities: 19:07
Liu K
...ang: Down, Forward, Backward, Backward, Kick.
Sub-Zero: Forward, Forward, Down, Kick Then... Forward, Down, Forward, Punch.
Kitana: (Punch Kick), (Punch Kick), (Punch Kick), Kick.
Reptile: Backward, Backward, Down, Punch.
Tsung: Hold (Punch Kick), Up, Down, Up, Release Punch, Release Kick.
Mileena: Forward, Backward, Forward, Kick.
Scorpion: Hold (Punch Kick), Up, Up, Release Kick, Release Punch.
Jax: Forward, Forward, Punch. Then... Press Punch as much and quickly as you can.
Stage Fatality: Forward, Backward, Forward, Punch. -
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