Neo’s life has become chaos. Neo gets in trouble at work for wasting time on speed clicking games. Agent Smith then arrests Neo and takes away his finger, so he can bargain for Neo’s garbage. Switch wants Neo to take his shirt off. Morpheus does some magic tricks with pills, and reveals to Neo the horrible truth about the purpose of the Matrix.
The time has come to free your mind and see a world without rules... editing rules. I am happy to finally show this to you and I hope you enjoy. There will be 2 more parts to come, as well as related, shorter videos. Comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more :)
I actually started this project last year and I would’ve uploaded it but I got so busy with other projects like Spider-Man that I didn’t fully finish it until recently. Each time I came close to finishing, iMovie froze, corrupting the project, and I would have to start again. That happened 3 times! I finally managed to complete it. Then