Fuellmich Trial Day 5 Summary by Lawyer PLUS witness account English Sub

Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s lawyer Katja Woermer gives a brief summary of Trial Day 5. In German with English subtitles. Further, Jiota, a witness at the court in Goettingen, gives her impressions below: Day 5 trial against R. Füllmich “The questioning of Viviane Fischer continued during today’s 5th day of the trial against Reiner Füllmich. Dr. Justus Hoffman was not present, Antonia Fischer was. There was a short interruption at around noon because Viviane Fischer was still submitting documents yesterday evening. The presiding judge allowed Ms. Wörmer to consult with her client Dr. Reiner Füllmich. Viviane Fischer made a statement on the matter: Beginning, development of the Corona Committee, when the problems arose. She clearly contradicted the port lawyers Dr. Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer’s claim that Reiner Füllmich had ever threatened them. He had never threatened them. She went on to say that, as managing partner, she did not want to have any knowledge of accounts or transactions or have any power of disposal over them. She had always “only worked“, which is why she did not want to have known anything about the gold investment. Jiota’s full witness (8 small parts) account can be found on Telegram, “we are greek, what’s your superpower), or on Reiner Fuellmich’s channel, or , also on Elsa’s truth summit substack.
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