Christopher Nolan Directing — A Video Essay on Nolan and Time

Christopher Nolan and Time — a video essay about time as the dominant motif in Christopher Nolan movies. Christopher Nolan’s Writing Process Explained ►► StudioBinder’s Screenwriting Software ►► Special Thanks to: redafs music ►► Chapters 00:00 - Intro 01:03 - Nolan’s Screenplays 02:15 - Memento Timeline Breakdown 02:54 - Showing Time 03:56 - Editing Time 04:40 - Time and Music 06:01 - Dunkirk/Shepard tone 07:46 - Recap Time is at the core of many Christopher Nolan movies. It is the dominant motif on textual and subtextual levels. But how deep does this relationship between Nolan and time really go? In our latest Christopher Nolan video essay, our goal is to identify all the various elements in Nolan’s filmmaking where time plays an important role and what these efforts all add up to. From the script, the imagery, and even the soundtrack, let’s figure out how Christopher Nolan makes us see, hear, and feel time. You can find Nolan’s infatua
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