“Wissenschaft denkt nicht“. Heidegger über das Schicksal des Denkens

Video title: “Science does not think” - Heidegger about the destiny of thinking Interviewer: “Most people expect everything from science. But especially in our times, in which in worldwide as well as unrealistic TV shows people are being shown what mankind planning is able to accomplish by technology, your thoughts on the nature of technology are quite disturbing to most people. To begin with, what do you want to claim by saying ‘Science does not think‘?“ M. Heidegger: “To start with the disturbing part, I think it is pretty healthy. I even think there’s still far too little disturbing today in the world and there is a big thoughtlessness which is connected to the oblivion of plain being. This sentence ‘Science does not think’, which caused a lot of turmoil when I was stating it on a lecture in Freiburg university, means that science does not share the same dimension as philosophy although without knowing science is dependant on that very dimension. For instance, Physics deals with space, moveme
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