Fritz Springmeier 1/4: Mind control

An interresting view on how trauma’s with people can make them into controllable slaves. Interesting fact: Fritz has been imprisoned for bank robbery under very doubtfull circumstances (2002). First of all they tried to jail him for possesion and growing of marijuana (it failed). Soon after he was indigted with armed bankrobbery and setting off a bomb as a diversion... “On the same day that the marijuana charge was dropped, Springmeier was sentenced to 9 years and 3 months in prison[7] for his involvement in the robbery in Damascus, Oregon in 1997, in which he set a bomb at an adult video store as an accomplice of another right-wing militant.[8] In October 2010“. One of the real bankrobbers got reduced sentence for the indigtment of Fritz, saying he was helping in planning the event. After his release in 2010 he got imprisoned again in January 2011, he has been released 3 months after. Allthough he has been imprisoned for so called bank robbery, he was forbidden to do any political wor
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