8 Ways Narcissistic Mothers Neglect Affected Your Life as an ADULT/ Lisa Romano

#narcissisticmother #narcissist #narcissism #mentalhealth 8 ways narcissistic mother neglect affected your life as an adult. In this Youtube video, you will learn about signs that you were raised by a mother who was a narcissist. If you have trust issues, are a lone wolf, abandon the self, fear losing control, tend to remain in relationships with narcissists, if you are an approval junkie, fear having your own children, and have no self confidence, these are signs you were emotionally neglected by a narcissistic mother. Healing from a narcissistic mother will require you to RETRAIN your BRAIN . Until you address the subconscious and neurological patterns held within your mind and brain, you will remain STUCK in loops of repetition. To help you retrain your brain, I would like to offer you two of my brain based e-learning/healing programs. To learn how to love the self, this 4 part guided meditation, video and journaling program, can help you heal at the subconscious level. For a limited time, you can start your retraining program at 50% off To BREAKTHROUGH decades of subconscious, negative, self sabotaging neurological patterns, and to become more self actualized, and less co-dependent upon others, you can begin your 3 month retraining program in the comfort of your own home today! For a limited time, you can also beging your brain retraining program at 50% off. To listen to Codependent Now What for free visit Take the CODEPENDENCY QUIZ here
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