Alphaville - Dance With Me (. Peter Illmanns Treff, )

Enjoy this performance of “Dance With Me“ from 1986, in honor of the current anniversary of our second album “Afternoons in Utopia“! Find Marian Gold’s words below where he remembers how the title came to be... ---------- ALPHAVILLE - BEST OF 40 YEARS TOUR Tickets: #liveshows KEMPTEN - ZÜRICH - BREMEN - LÜNEBURG - LINGEN - WETZLAR - NÜRNBERG - PFORZHEIM - KIEL - HANNOVER - DÜSSELDORF - BOCHUM - BERLIN - HAMBURG - WIEN - FREIBURG - FRANKFURT AM MAIN - MANNHEIM - BIELEFELD - MAGDEBURG - STUTTGART - SAARBRÜCKEN - LEIPZIG - DRESDEN - MÜNCHEN - More Liveshows: -MÜNCHEN - BAD ELSTER - FRANKFURT ODER - CALW - BAD FÜSSING - MALLORCA - STOCKHOLM - ALZEY - DINSLAKEN - WEIßENFELS - KASSEL - USTI NAD LABEM - CLUJ-NAPOCA - BUDAPEST - FREIBURG - PRAG - MADRID - FINKENSTEIN - Tickets: #liveshows ---------- “Afternoons in Utopia! I must have picked up this title somewhere. There is a book of the same name by Stephen Butler Leacock. I’ve never read it. What attracted me to the term was its atmosphere. On the one hand, “afternoons in Utopia“ seem relaxed and peaceful; on the other, they exude a feeling of the gradual extinction of something once radiant, a “golden“, decadent melancholy that attracted me. Such afternoons seemed to me like windows into a world of pointless but entertaining shenanigans. For me, the best transmission of “Afternoons In Utopia“ into German was always “Nahmittag der Phantasten/Afternoon of the Phantasts“, whereby the omission of the plural of “Afternoons“ creates a link to Debussy’s “Afternoon of a Faun“. And this has a special connection: when our music teacher played this piece of music, which was unknown to me at the age of 14, and asked us pupils to draw a picture to go with it, I actually drew a faun lying in a meadow and watching the sunset. When it all came to light, it was like a great confirmation for me, as if I was part of a magical plan, a chosen one. This megalomaniacal feeling hasn’t left me since. It still generates a boundless stubbornness that drives me to try to exceed the limits of my possibilities. I am the fantasist and the faun is my brother in a realm beyond these limits. If you needed a symbol for “Afternoons In Utopia“, it would clearly be the faun.“ -Marian Gold . . Footage licensed from ZDF Studios. All rights reserved. Follow Alphaville on: Instagram: Facebook: alphavilleofficial TikTok: alphaville And for upcoming shows and more:
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