How I Make My Shibori Ribbon

I like to use thrift store silk clothing to make my shibori ribbon for beading its a great way to upcycle and create something beautiful at the same time you can also purchase shibori ribbon directly from Etsy many dye artists sell beautiful pieces there and it may just be more affordable to purchase it made. If you enjoy my videos and would like to see more you can support my channel thru purchases at my shop Unfortunately videos not only take many hours of my time but have actual production costs involved I prefer to keep my videos free for all and greatly appreciate all those who support my channel through my shop - thank you I purchase all the products I use so I can give a honest and unbiased review . My original designs are free to use in all your personal work for craft fairs and art shows however if you are to copy them for sale or reproduction in videos or on the internet you need my express written permission . A great place to buy polymer clay supplies
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