10 Things Every INFJ Has Thought About Themselves

10 Things Every INFJ Has Thought About Themselves | If you were to take a look inside the INFJ brain, you would find a complex yet organized web of introspection and conclusions. This rare personality type uses their dominant introverted intuition function to navigate the world to find deeper understandings to the seemingly simple things in life. Well.. when it comes to INFJ self perception, theres no difference. The INFJ personality type analyzes themselves just as they do others people and things, thoroughly. So, what does the INFJ think of themselves? Does INFJ self hatred come only from overly critical people or is it a common occurrence among this rare type? #INFJ #INFJpersonalitytype #infjthoughts RELATED VIDEOS: 👉 10 Weird Things That INFJs Do That People Don’t Realize 👉 INFJ Vs. INFP | The World’s Rarest Personality Types 👉 10 Signs You’re An INF
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