This Plane Was Designed like a Giant Bullet to Break Sound Barrier : X-1 Bell History

Hi, today I am presenting you the story of the famous Bell X-1. The Bell X-1 is surely one of the most important aircraft of the last century. It flew for the first time in January 19, 1946 and on 14 October 1947, Chuck Yeager aboard its X-1 broke the sound barrier for the first time in the history . If you want more information about this plane then just watch my video ! Videos source used in this video: NASA and Bell Archive footage, US Air Force public domain Archive footage, Public Domain and Creative Common Pics from Wikipedia. Voice, text and video editing belong to The Daily Av...iation, any use of these content without permission is forbidden. Thumbnail source: Nasa Public domain picture, derivative work by The Daily Aviation. Don’t forget to subscribe us on Facebook or Twitter. You have a question or you would like to send us footage. Send us a message.
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