A brief History of the Development of Experimental Archaeology in Kazakhstan

Diana Ayapova - L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan) This article analyzes the history of the formation and the current state of experimental archaeology in Kazakhstan. The accumulated experience of researchers was examined by generalization and systematization methods. It is noted that the experimental method is more popular among researchers of the Bronze Age, where the archaeologists focus either on a specific artefact or on the type of technology for the manufacture of ceramics and metal. At the same time, based on assembled materials, the author marks out some problems and suggests ways to solve them. Moreover, the absence of experimental archaeological laboratories in universities, as well as experimental sites in museums, hinders the full development of this discipline. The author concludes that the inclusion of experimental archaeology in the program of summer field schools and various festivals contributes to the solution of problems. This study does not purport to be an exh
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