The History Of Tea

Today Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world after water. Global consumption of tea is forecasted to reach 297 billion liters by 2021. In China, it’s sipped from tiny porcelain cups. Tibetans mix it with salt and yak butter. The Japanese whisk it during ceremonies. Russians add lemon. Moroccans use mint. And Americans add a dash of ehh High Fructose Corn Syrup. The Irish and Turks drink it by the bucket load while the call of the Chai Wallah is known across India where they serve it with milk, sugar, and spices. It was tribute to Chinese Emperors, sustained meditating Buddhist monks, and turned Britain into the deadliest drug lord in history. So what is the history of tea, how has it changed our world, and what does it have to do with Jesus’ Chinese brother? Well, Let’s Find Out.
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