Disaster earth splits today; buildings collapse due to landslide cracks in Gramado after heavy rains

Earth shakes and splits; landslide cracks cause buildings to collapse in Gramado after heavy rain in Brazil. Severe landslides in the country of Brazil caused several buildings to collapse in Gramado, in Serra do Rio Grande do Sul, on Thursday, 23 November 2023. These buildings were located in the Três Pinheiros neighbourhood. #brazilnews #landslides #extremeweather #heavyrain #gramado #storm #TrêsPinheiros #riograndedosul #weather #flooding #rain #wind #brazil #climatechange #today #earthquake #tsunamiwarning #hightide #stormsurge #europe #snow #weather #today #unwetter #gewitter #flashfloods #stormciaran #news #hurricaneOtis #tropicalstorm #hurricanes #hurrican landslides in brazil, landslides in gramado, gramado landslide, gramado chuva, gramado 2023, morte gramado, snow gramado, campo grande, gramado rio grande do sul, gramado racha, cracks gramado, deslizamento de terra, gramado desabamento, desabamento gramado. #naturaldisasters #typhoon #hilary #idalia #hurricane #rainstorm #hail #hailstorm #tornado #strongwinds #rainwind #thundershowers #thunderstorms #landslide #blizzard #snowfall #weather #flashflood #floodemergency #flood2023 #flashflooding #floodrelief #floodmitigation #environmentalcrisis #climatechange #waterdisaster #wildfire #eruption #earthquake #worldweather #cyclone
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