This is Bella. Шумаков Илья 2 “У“ класс

Видео снято для конкурса видеороликов “My pet“. Текст песни: This is Bella, she’s my pet Pretty hunter, missis cat Better, stay away from her Or you’ll have some problems sir When you come to our house You will not see any mouse If she’s in aggressive mood Don’t touch her it will be good The doggie runs from side to side And doesn’t know where she can hide Every creature on the Earth Is afraid of her of course This is Bella, she’s my pet Pretty hunter, missis cat Better, stay away from her Or you’ll have some problems sir Every day she sleeps a lot Without that she just cannot Cannot hunt, play and run And with me she can’t have fun If she is thirsty, you don’t miss In the bathroom do like this Also human don’t forget To feed her, because you are the owner of pet
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