How to Stop the Hiccup | D Billions Kids Songs

Lyrics: Hic ... Hic ... Hic ... Hiccups come suddenly and never want to go away! What do you do when you get the hiccups? Do you drink water? Eat a lemon? Hold your breath? Watch this episode where Chicky, Cha Cha, Boom Boom and Lya Lya are trying stop the hiccups. Cha-Cha are you Ok? I think you need to drink a lot of water. Hmm, I know what to do. Cha-Cha, Boom-Boom do you need help? I know what to do. Hold your breath. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, breath out!!! #DBillions #hiccap Copyright AWA LLC 2022. All Rights Reserved
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