How To Say “No!“ to Almost Anything

We all wish we had the self-control to say, “No,“ to certain things and the willpower to say, “Yes!“ to other things. It’s almost like we have two brains that are fighting against each other. We talked with Kelly McGonigal, author of, “The Willpower Instinct,“ about this inner conflict we often feel and she helps us break down willpower into three different powers: 1) I Will Power 2) I Won’t Power 3) I Want Power Check out her book on Amazon at the link below. The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do To Get More of It Thanks to for partnering with us on this month’s Life Hack series! Epipheo makes videos that allow for human meaning. Let’s be social together, o-tay? The Epipheo Underground: Company updates: Quips and s
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