Gerard Batten: Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy? Joining the Dots

Gerard Batten joins Hearts of Oak to try and piece together the many news stories and events that are happening around the world. Stories are usually presented as stand alone news items but often they connect behind the scenes. Gerard will be joining the dots on seemingly unrelated events and exposing the common thread. We are experiencing worldwide lockdowns, restrictions on free speech and seeming chaos in the supply chain and fuel markets. Tune in for Gerard’s thoughts on how the dots join up. Gerard Batten is a former politician who served as the Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) between 2018 and 2019. He was a founding member of the party in 1993, and served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for London between 2004 and 2019. He was brought up on The Isle of Dogs in the East End of London and worked in sales with British Telecom for 28 years before entering the political arena.
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