Sheriff Mark Dannels: We have created a crime scene in our country based on an open border

Sheriff Mark Dannels: We have created a crime scene in our country based on an open border. NEW: Per CBP sources, there were only about 2,070 illegal immigrants apprehended by Border Patrol across the southern border yesterday. It’s the lowest number I can recall ever seeing during my border coverage, and I’m told it’s the lowest BP number since January 23rd, 2021. Per CBP sources, Illegal crossings have dipped into the 2,000s the last three days in a row - with San Diego sector still seeing the most, as it appears the Biden executive order is having a significant impact in reducing illegal crossings after two weeks of being in effect. It was in the mid to high 3s & low 4s in the days & weeks before the order. Top 3 sectors yesterday San Diego - 648 (including 99 Chinese) Tucson - 485 El Paso - 414 Source: Police frequency
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