NYC Migrant Serial Offender Strikes Again: Man with 21 Arrests Causes Havoc, Caught Shoplifting, Allegedly Assaults on NYPD Of

NYC – Migrant Serial Offender Strikes Again: Man with 21 Arrests Causes Havoc, Caught Shoplifting, Allegedly Assaults on NYPD Officers in Midtown Manhattan, Leaving Two Injured , police sources state.  Ysmael Qintero, a 20-year-old migrant with a staggering record of 21 arrests, continued his spree of alleged lawlessness on June 9, 2024, with another brazen act of shoplifting at Target in Midtown Manhattan. This time, however, his arrest unfolded into an alleged violent altercation, leaving  police officers injured and raising serious concerns about public safety. I was told by police sources that Qintero has allegedly been causing havoc throughout the city, emerging as a persistent problem for law enforcement. Allegedly, Qintero has attacked four different NYPD officers in the past, adding to his reputation as a threat to law and order. His alleged pattern of behavior, marked by repeated run-ins with the law and escalating alleged violence, underscores the urgent need for intervent... Source: Police frequency
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