Minor Threat was a hardcore punk band created in 1980 in Washington DC by a group of kids from a working class deprived area. Op

Minor Threat was a hardcore punk band created in 1980 in Washington DC by a group of kids from a working class deprived area. Openly against alcohol and drugs consumption as well against racism and authority, their song “Guilty for being white“ has often been misunderstood but it is still relevant today. The song was written regarding the constant brainwashing of white working class kids by liberal highschool and college teachers, making them feel guilty for the simple reason of being white, regardless of their background or social status. Being a white kid from a humble origin in Washington DC in the 80s most often meant that in your neighborhood you were the minority and the one on the receiving end. Nevertheless Minor Threat’s closest friends were white, African-American, Asian... With one thing in common, their rejection to authority and control, including anything that could render you defenseless against the power of the State like alcohol or drug addiction. Follow us [id57522686|@TheDiss]... Source: Dissident News
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