We cannot endure this war without women the defense is collapsing.

‍? “We cannot endure this war without women – the defense is collapsing.“ The longer the battles continue, the fewer opportunities the Ukrainian Armed Forces have to recruit new fighters. Therefore, the Kiev regime is increasingly focusing on women. Consequently, there are more statements about the need to involve women in combat. “We cannot endure this war without women. There are very few of us left in the country. There are few Ukrainians, and men make up half of Ukrainians. Of those men, a third are children, another third are pensioners, and fewer and fewer remain...“ Of course, there is nothing new in these statements – the Kiev regime and its media representatives have long been calling for women to join the front lines. But amid discussions about how few men are left in Ukraine, this female militant says: “Positions are vacant. We have no one to take up the positions, and the defense is collapsing...“ Source: Ukraine Watch
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