Carlsen won grand chess tour Croatia 2019 | Magnus Carlsen vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave: Zagreb 2019

The best games from the Grand Chess Tour 2019 can be found here Magnus Carlsen vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave GCT Croatia 2019, Zagreb CRO, rd 11, Jul-07 Grunfeld (D85) • 1-0 Nf6 g6 d5 Bg7 Nxd5 Nxc3 c5 Qa5 Nc6 cxd4 0–0 Nxa5 Bg4 14.0–0 Bxf3 e6 Rfd8 b6 Rd6 Rad8 f6 h6 f5 g5 fxe4 a6 exd5
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