How did Nepo do it? | A way to play against the Sicilian defence | Nepo vs MVL: Paris 2019

Warning: You have stumbled upon the greatest collection of free chess videos Ian Nepomniachtchi vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave GCT Paris Rapid & Blitz 2019 Paris FRA, rd 14, Aug-01 Sicilian Defense: Closed Variation (B23) • 1-0 c5 d6 g6 Bg7 Nc6 6.0–0 e6 cxd4 a6 Nge7 0–0 Nxd4 e5 Qc7 dxe5 Qb6 Be6 fxe6 Rxf1 Re8 h6 Kh7 1–0 F
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