Ov Sulfur - Stained In Rot (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Taken from the single “Stained In Rot” out now:
Catch Ov Sulfur on “The Pain Remains Tour“ with Lorna Shore, Aborted, Ingested and Angelmaker NOW.
Band Merch, Mailing List and More:
Aesthetic Director: MM Fabrications
Filmed and Edited by Vicente Cordero
Makeup: MM Fabrications, Damien Zimmerman, Taylor Hoffman
Gaffer: Julian Oyanedel
Sean Forrester
Taylor Hoffman
Brynn Route
Damien Zimmerman
Engineered: Logan Mader, Josh Schroeder, Morgoth Beatz
Vocal Editing: Aaron Pace
Produced: Morgoth Beatz Ov Sulfur
Mixed and Mastered: Josh Schroeder
Ov Sulfur is...
Ricky Hoover - Vocals
Chase Wilson - Guitars/Vocals
Ding - Bass
Leviathvn - Drums
Come forth destruction
Pull down the pillars ov theocracy
A system ov hated traditions
Spewed forth from crooked smiles
Demanding atop unscrupulous towers
Preaching servitude
The tyrant powers that be are the enemy
Lay waste to the faithful flock
Purge the world ov pietism
Excorticate the husk
Unshroud, display the symphony ov ruin
Bonds ov enslavement must be broken
All the years spent in a grand phantasm
(Ascend and eclipse the light)
Ascend and eclipse the light
Hand in hand, rupture the divine
Lay bare, unearth all the shame
Hidden in plain sight
Ascend and eclipse the light
Hand in hand, rupture the divine
Lay bare, unearth all the shame
Hidden in plain sight
Ascend and eclipse the light
Dig up the foundations stained in rot
Nullify and obliterate
Swallow up all that’s left ov the cultus
Defy the vade mecum
Ascend and eclipse the light
Hand in hand, rupture the divine
Lay bare, unearth all the shame
Hidden in plain sight
Ascend and eclipse the light
Hand in hand, rupture the design
Lay bare, unearth all the shame
Hidden in plain sight
Ascend and eclipse the light
Procure the bones ov the christ
Incite the desecration
Let them bare witness to
The end ov everything
They’ve known for their lives
And now they see it die
For every persecuted heretic
Ill will
Eye for an eye
#OvSulfur #StainedInRot
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