Wind Dancers: Nude models in nature filmed by art model Anastasia Kole

FREE Nude Art Magazine: Model Society Academy: Anastasia Kole speaking about feminine sexuality in art: I was surrounded by amazing nature and beautiful women. It all happened naturally. As a model, when I work in such a beautiful natural setting, in my mind I try to blend in the landscape, fill in the composition, imitate the curves of a tree, or angles of a stone. To me, it happens on a very intuitive level. I just let myself be natural and connect with the surroundings. Then I feel like I belong, like I am part of this rock, part of this planet, part of this universe. My moves become smooth and organic as a continuation of nature around me. It is an incredible spiritual experience and that is what I was trying to capture in my video. See Anastasia Kole in our stunning second issue: Get ou
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