Thrash Metal ABC pt.1

Part 1 of my Compilation. It starts with ’A’. Playlist: 1. Abomination - Oppression 2. Accuser - Who Dominates Who? 3. Acid Reign - My Open Mind 4. Acridity - For Freedom I Cry 5. Acrophet - Crime For Living 6. Addictive - Pity Of Man 7. Airdash - Forbidden Thoughts 8. Alligator - In My Dreams 9. Amnesia - Memories Of Me 10. Anacrusis - Present Tense 11. Angel Dust - Marching For Revenge 12. Antidote - Within His Power 13. Apocalypse - Faithless 14. Archaic Torse - Message To None 15. Artillery - Deeds Of Darkness 16. Asphyxia - Health For Sale 17. Assassin - Nemesis 18. Assorted Heap - Artificial Intelligence 19. Astharoth - Mirror World 20. Atrophy - Beer Bong Worth checking out as well: Alastor Amulance Arbitrater Atomic (CZE) Atomic (HUN) Part II:
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