Did The Bible Steal The Flood Story?

If I’m a biblical writer, and I want to write a creation story. And I want to give credit to Yahweh as the creator, both from my audience and also as sort of a smackdown to our theological and religious competitors. How can I possibly do that without “borrowing“? Think about that. How would you do? There’s no way you can do it without dipping into the material, it would be like me assigning you, let’s say, you know, you’re all in the same church. And I said; «I want you all to write a paper on why our worship service is better than the church down the street there. But you’re not allowed to tell me anything that the other place does.» Like, how am I supposed to do that? I’ve got to be able to dip into what they do and say, to make the comparison. That’s the point. Check it out!
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