How to Measure Rice Proportions with Your Finger - CHOW Tip

Poppy Tooker, author of the Crescent City Farmers Market Cookbook fills a pot with long-grain white rice up to the first joint of her finger, then fill it with water up to the second joint and she’s ready to go! =============================================== CHOW Tips are the shared wisdom of our community. If you’ve figured out some piece of food, drink, or cooking wisdom that the world has to know about, send us a message and tell us what you’ve got in mind! See all the newest uploads from CHOW with the Latest Videos playlist: Subscribe to CHOW: For more recipes, stories and videos, check out CHOW on Twitter: #!/CHOW CHOW on Facebook: ======================================================== TRANSCRIPT At my house it’s a big deal to have one less thing to wash. You can make rice and measure it perfectly with only your finger and the pot. You take your finger. You put your finger on the bottom of the sauce pot. Pour in the long grain white rice until it comes up to the first joint on your index finger. Take it to the faucet, with the water running, let the water run to the second joint on your index finger. You’ve doubled your proportion on your water to rice; no measuring cup.
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