japanese guy eats salamander topped with surstromming and trinidad moruga scorpion chili pepper

YouTubeスター、MEGWINにVICEが度胸試しを仕掛ける。ウーパールーパー3匹、いかにも臭そうな発酵ニシン、そしてメキシコから輸入したトリニダード・スコーピオン・モロガ・プレンドに挑戦。汗と涙、そして鼻水を垂らしてMEGWINが実食! Amusing movie MEGWIN TV 毎日面白動画サイトはコチラ: We caught up with our buddy MEGWIN and treated him to a plate full of salamanders, fermented herring, and a pile of chili peppers from Mexico. He also happens to be an online superstar in Japan for his YouTube channel which he began in the mid-00’s. We’re proud to say he completed his challenge with a face full o
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