Bad Dream Full Trailer With Intro

Kickstarter : Facebook : Website : ________________________________________________________ You are in your hotel room quietly watching TV. You wake up on a beach which is strangely deserted ... Is it a dream? Or rather, a bad dream? Your goal will be to find out by browsing the different environments of the game. Explore, solve puzzles and fight for your survival ... or your sanity ... Bad Dream will test all your senses: Look, listen, smell, touch, run like crazy while miming gestures with your VR controllers, do all this quietly because evil lurks, a strange evil that cannot be silenced without taking your head in both hands ... Bad dream is not a game for everyone, so be strong in facing your darkest dreams... but never... ever... Fall into Madness ! Immersives controls : Bad Dreams will put all your senses to the test. Look, listen, smell, touch, run around... Don’t forget to do all this quietly because the evil is lurking, a strange evil that can’t be silenced without taking your head with both hands... Use your VR controllers like never before. Pinch your nose to avoid mortal gaz, cover your ears to save your spirit from madness... Physics based gameplay : Bad Dreams is a “physics based gameplay“. It means that every usable items has a mass and answer to gravity. This feature brings a lot of opportunities and create differents ways to achieve your goals. Like.. Openning a door with a gun, yeah. Limbos : Take care about your mental health because madness is near. If you don’t, you’ll fall in the Limbos and have to escape from this nightmare in the nightmare. Run for your life and find your way out to pick up the game where you went mad. Explore : Use flashlight or matches to explore a dark underground network. Crouch and be quiet to avoid unnecessary fight. Pray to take the good path or die and try again. Do not forget your flashlight battery or embrace the darkness and its subjects. Fight : There is a lot of choice when it comes to weapons or the ways to use them. Don’t ever forget, you can use items but, you can also throw them ;) Puzzles : In Bad Dreams, there will be some puzzles to solve. It could seem simple but.. try to do this when you’re under attack, when creatures are roaring behind you, when the tension is at its peak. Hard choices : In this game, you will have to choose which tool or weapon you’ll carry. You can carry one thing per hand and your inventory will offer you two slot.
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