Build and Deploy a Web 3.0 Cryptocurrency Exchange Decentralized Application - Part 2

Master Web3 development by building Uniswap - a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange React application with metamask pairing, live smart contract data fetching, and most importantly, the ability to create your own ERC20 tokens, swap them and more! ⭐ Cranq - Become a Web3.0 Pioneer by Building an Advanced NFT Marketplace App: 💻 JS Mastery Pro - ✅ A special YOUTUBE discount code is automatically applied! 📙 The Web 3.0 Developer Roadmap: 📙 The Ultimate Solidity CheatSheet: 📚 Materials/References: GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐): Alchemy - Alchemy Faucet - https://goerl ... #LJavaScriptMastery #javascript #javascript_mastery #js_mastery #master_javascript #web3_explained #web3_tutorial #web3_development #web_3.0 #web3_developer 20220909 Y89q6T1r1Yg
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