English Seafood Idioms and Expressions – Improve Your English Vocabulary

The sea covers two thirds of our planet. The sea has always been an important source of food. Any food that we take from the sea is called seafood. There are various types of seafood and many idioms related to seafood in English. In this lesson, I will introduce you to idioms like blue around the gills, loan shark, a find kettle of fish, holy mackerel, a beached whale, red herring, hook, line and sinker, fishing for compliments, off the hook, slipped through the net, a fish out of water, and more. To get more out of this video English lesson visit the Britlish Library - it’s free to use at Created by an experienced British English teacher, the lessons in the Britlish Library will help you improve all areas of your English skills from writing and speaking, to listening and reading. The British English lessons in the Britlish Library are full of multimedia content in the form of videos, audio files, animations, and engaging image files
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